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Dyaspora is an exhibition that examines Caribbean influences on North American culture. Mathieu examines how exploitation and censorship of Caribbean politics impacts Caribbean nations and culture. Diaspora challenges the viewer to reimagine what achieving the American dream looks like aesthetically, finically, spiritually and emotionally as a first generation immigrant in the United States of America.
Caribbean Blues
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
Caribbean Blues speaks to the beautiful shades of blue water in the islands and the blue waters that many do not enjoy because they are busy trying to provide for their families. Many families only see the waters when attempting to access fish and/or a way out of the country.

Away From Home
Oil and Acrylic on canvas
Away from Home shows a mother and daughter walking east, migrating away from home to navigate a new country but in their longing for their native land there is an obvious knowing that they’re not acclimated which can radiate appreciation or radiate implicit bias, as they try to navigate new terrain with optimism.

Petite Soeur
Oil and Acrylic on canvas
Petite Soeur means “little sister” in Kreyol. This painting captures the protective energy between oldest and younger sister. The oldest sister is like your 2nd mother in Haiti and is the sibling that is sometimes given permission to chastise and mother the younger siblings, regardless of if the father is present in the household as the mothers handle business away from the home.

Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
PRIDE gives insight to the freedom that comes from westernized countries outside the Caribbean. The freedom to be your true self with out you Haitian or/Jamaican/Trinidadian parents/family shaming or shunning your authenticity. The support although not consistent still present and accessible in countries like USA whereas other countries only offers violence and shame. We all deserve the freedom to live authentically.

Prosperity and Love
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
Prosperity & Love is a nod to the universal interpretation of children in various spiritual systems as blessings and abundance no matter the social class, children bring blessings and are the purest manifestation of love. Prosperity and Love show fraternal twins protecting each other with sister’s sweater having a veve on her garment that represents love and prosperity. Sweater. It is common in Haitian culture to draw the veve on materials they wear, paint and/or print

Oligolectic Mindset
Oil on canvas
Oligolectic Mindset pays homage to oligolectic bees that exhibit a narrow, specialized preference for pollen sources, typically to a single family or genus of flowering plants. Caribbean immigrants tend to have a narrow specialized preference for food sourcing, staying close to family of origin and particular culture until they explore and assimilate with the masses.
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